Member Login

If you already have an account, please "Log In" at the top right of the page to access the Member pages.

If you do not have an account, please click the "Sign Up" at the top right of the page to create an account.

Please note that since we are a volunteer organization, membership accounts are not automatically created and may take up to 72 hours to approve. This is for the privacy of the lot owners within the development.

Membership is limited to current Lot Owners only and will be validated via email addresses that are on file with the COL Secretary.

If you need to update your email address, please contact the COL Secretary via the Contact link in the above menu.

If it takes longer than 72 hours to approve your member access, please reach out to the COL Secretary via the Contact link above.

*Please note that after you log in, you will be re-directed back to this page, where you can then use the member pulldown menu and select the member page(s) that you want to view.  Before you leave the website, please be sure to log out.